Notice: Soul Relieving Ceremony on Sept. 2, 2020

From the Buddhist Sutra: During the Dharma Vanishing Era, this world will be endangered by drastic changes such as unpredictable weather, frequent occurrences of widespread epidemics, disasters, and fatal illnesses.

In the Lunar Calendar, the 15th of July is known as the Zhongyuan Festival or Bon Festival. It is a day to honor the spirits of one’s ancestors, guide and help them to find peace, by burning joss paper for the deceased as well as feeding lost souls.

To help relieve the sins and pain of all beings (alive and deceased) from suffering, the Holy Master Ziguang Shang Shi will compassionately hold a Soul Relieving Ceremony at the Temple of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in the Holy Mountain Buddha Land on September 2, 2020.

Those who would like to help beloved deceased ones become free from suffering, please submit your request to our regional centers, temples, or chapels. Upon receipt, your submissions will be forwarded to the Headquarters for further arrangements.

For those who have made an annual offering to the Buddha in the Thousand Buddha Hall and consequently attended our Dharma Blessing Event on August 8, 2020, you will be prioritized in enrolling for this ceremony at no cost.

All other attendees are welcome to make their generous donations. For those who  intend to alleviate their ancestors’ sufferings and enable their ancestors to be blessed in this Ceremony, must have their applications submitted punctually. 

Application Deadline: August 27, 2020

Event Date: September 2, 2020

Dated: August 21, 2020

Administration Committee of
Guang Huan Mi Zong

Report from the Manjusri Bodhisattva’s Birthday Ceremony

On the auspicious sunny day, a grand celebration of the Holy Birthday of Manjusri Bodhisattva has been held by Holy Master Ziguang Shang Shi at the Guanyin Holy Mountain. Attendees were all grateful in receiving this precious Dharma teaching.

The Honorable Holy Master Ziguang Shang Shi imparted his teaching to his followers, revealing the predestination between Manjusri Bodhisattva and Exalted Shakyamuni Buddha:
Where is the Pure Land?
Who will have the fortuity to be born in the illuminated Pure Land?
How can Dharma help people become born into the illuminated Pure Land?

The compassionate Holy Master urged his followers to cherish their lives for doing something meaningful, and not try to waste time, because the chance of listening to the righteous Dharma, practice the Dharma, and accumulate their merit is priceless.

All attendees were deeply touched by Holy Master’s teaching. With gratitude in their hearts, they answer the calls of His Holiness, devoting themselves to developing the Guanyin Holy Mountain. Their goal is simple: to develop a place where people can learn and practice the Dharma, and promote the mission of Guang Huan Mi Zong – Human Health, World Peace and Religious Harmony.

Spreading love and blessings to the world in turmoil — Report of the Qing Ming Blessing and Soul-Relieving Ceremonies

By Kira

While the COVID-19 pandemic is endangering the globe, a series of Blessing and Soul-Relieving Ceremonies have been launched to shine light on the world with love by the compassionate Holy Master Ziguang Shang Shi and his disciples. On the date of April 5th, 2020, the ceremonies were held at three locations: Guang Huan Mi Zong Holy Mountain Buddha Land, Guanyin Holy Mountain, and Hong Kong Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Temple. These rituals were intended for all the deceased medical workers and patients, with no distinction to nationality, as well as sending blessings and prayers to all beings in the world.

Photo: Ceremony at the Holy Mountain Buddha Land

Preachers are chanting before the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva statue. With the Joss Sticks lit, their chanting and prayers were heard by Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Thus the blessings and powerful energy nourished the earth from the divine beings.

Photo: Ceremony at the Guanyin Holy Mountain

The vows and chanting are for the pandemic to be ended, for souls of the deceased to be relieved, and for all predestinated sentient beings in the world to enjoy peace and happiness.

Photo: Ceremony at the Hong Kong Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Temple

We hope that this COVID-19 pandemic will come to an end in the near future, and all beings will enjoy the beautiful sunlight and smiles again. We also hope that more people will have the chance to listen to Holy Master Ziguang Shang Shi’s teachings and learn the precious Guang Huan Mi Zong Health Dharma, which has incredible effects in improving their immune systems and developing their potential, so that the dream of “Human Health, World Peace, and Religious Harmony” can be realized.