Miracles I Witnessed

By Roger S.


When I was in the Western Shrine, I’ve witnessed first-hand, a couple of people who have had cancer become healed and their tumors mysteriously disappear without any surgical operation, radiation, or chemotherapy. I’ve seen people who appear so sick and about to die soon, bounce back and become rejuvenated and energetic once again.


I’ve witnessed a lady who had a severe case of hemorrhoids and couldn’t walk. She was bed-ridden. Holy Master Ziguang Shang Shi gave her some Holy Water to wash herself and a few hours later, she sprang out of nowhere, dancing and singing a song in front of a large audience as if nothing ever happened. I don’t think that could ever happen at a hospital if a patient walked in asked a doctor to cure her hemorrhoids in two hours.


I’ve also witnessed many people emerge from depression and exuberantly happy. The individuals arrive at the Western Shrine appearing very dark, insecure with low energy levels, and leave the Shrine feeling and looking very happy, bright, energized, confident, and wiser.


Personally, I’ve had a long-time shoulder injury from playing tennis with the addition of heel spurs on my feet from playing sports with the wrong type of shoes. It was all permanently cured after staying at the Western Shrine for one week, with no surgical operation or injections. I even tried to purposely throw it again when playing tennis, but my shoulder is like brand new and perfectly fine.


I used to wake up every morning with bad allergies causing me to sneeze relentlessly for a few hours each day, but since I started my meditation practices these morning allergies have been completely eliminated.




Insights and Awakening


By Roger S.


Holy Master Ziguang Shang Shi has taught me some valuable lessons:


From reading the Diamond Sutra, I’ve begun to notice how the ego really distorts our way of thinking.  I now see every day how so many people are negatively affected by only thinking about their wants, their ego, their self-importance, their reputation, etc.  Since late last year, I’ve been trying my best to apply this and let go of my own ego as much as possible.  What I’ve discovered is that I was normally a very happy person in general, but now I’m even happier and more satisfied with all aspects around me whether it’s good or bad.  When I talk to my co-workers, friends, and family, it seems to always apply.  When people are upset or unhappy, it seems they are unhappy that they are not able to accomplish what “they want”.  They are so focused on their own desires, attachments, and ego that it’s difficult to let go and yield to others.  I notice this all the time during work, where employees compete for the CEO’s attention, and where they are willing to claw at each other for the sake of climbing the corporate ladder.


I also notice that ever since I started to memorize and recite the Buddhist precepts, that subconsciously I become reminded when I encounter certain situations.  I.e., if I come across a person that I feel that I feel is rude and I do not like, the phrase from the precept, “Be compassionate to all beings and treat them as your guests” becomes triggered into my mind and I then observe that precept instead of reciprocating rudeness.  Memorizing the precepts and reciting them with our heart are really good pills of medicine for our heart.  It’s really a great way to break bad habits and to develop good habits in place of them.


Compassion, this is one area which has always been hit or miss for me.  I’ve always wanted to help other people if it was within my abilities.  The challenge in the past was that I always ended up getting screwed over or taken advantage of.  Over the years because of so many bad experiences, I’ve built up a huge wall to shield me from being taken advantage of.  It was only until last year that I started to break this wall down and started to become more compassionate and understanding towards everyone.  It’s still pretty difficult but I’m finding myself still calculating and analyzing whether or not I should help this person, and whether or not this person has malicious intent.  But it’s definitely better, and I’m more open now to helping people for even the littlest things, where in the past I would only do it in exchange for something of material.  I think as long as the person that I am helping is not evil or has malice, then I’m okay with it.  By the way, compassion has always been a really good offset for battling against anger and hate, since most of the time I notice the anger and hate stems from our own ego.


With the increased wisdom that Holy Master imparted to us, it was the catalyst for me to have a deeper appreciation for the above mentioned.  I’m able to calculate and analyze problems, scenarios, situations much quicker and with better judgment.  It feels extremely effortless for me to anticipate problem solving much further in advance, to the point where my wife thinks I’m psychic which I am not.  I try to explain to her that it’s like I’m playing chess and instead of anticipating 1-2 moves ahead, I can play out 5-7 moves in my head in advance.  My emotional intelligence has increased as well as the level of my own self-awareness, further creating additional mental stability with not being swayed or influenced by other people who will pressure others into making bad decisions.  This has been especially handy when encountering other Rinpoches who have attempted to educate me on Buddhism, or curiously reading endlessly about Buddhism on the internet only to find that there is a lot of inaccurate information being posted on the web.



Luck and Protection from the Buddha


Dear Holy Master Ziguang Shang Shi,


I wanted to thank you for teaching me so many things and protecting my family and me. About 4 weeks ago, the raining season started in San Francisco. I ride my bicycle to work 6 miles each way to downtown SF. One morning at the top of the stairs at my house, the floor was wet and slippery. I was leaving my front door and began to walk down the stairs, carrying my 25 lbs bicycle, when I slipped and fell down my front stairs. When I slipped, I fell forward but miraculously with each step falling forward, each footstep landed perfectly on a step and in 3 perfectly falling footsteps, I landed to the bottom of the stairs, safe and sound. I didn’t twist my ankle even though I was foolish wearing sandals, still carrying my bike with two hands. Amazing! I had a feeling that morning that you and all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas saved.


So many other fortunate things and interesting things have also happened:


1. I went to Paris on vacation for a week and because of your Dharma and Protection of Halo, I was able to stop a pickpocketing thief from stealing my wife’s wallet from my bag.


2. A lot of raining days in San Francisco, I notice that it rains when I practice my meditation in the morning and after I finish and leave for work on my bicycle, it stops raining. When I arrive to work and am inside the building, it starts to rain again. When I leave work to ride my bicycle back home, it stops raining. As soon as I arrive home safe and sound, it starts raining again. This has happened at least 5-7 times that I can count.


3. Also, because of what you taught me Holy Master, I’m able to avoid more people that have harmful intentions. I can definitely see it in their faces and eyes. I was able to avoid people attempting to cheat me for my money and block evil people from trying to help me when they really are only interested in personal gain for themselves.


4. What I also understand now is that everything we learn and the way we are taught is very similar to the way things we learned over 2,000 years ago. How we promote, practice, how we beg for food with our bowls, how you teach us the Dharma, how we build temples, etc. are all very similar to how everything was done long ago. I really noticed while studying the Diamond Sutra.


5. Last but not least, but I’ve really come to appreciate good people with such good hearts and good intentions. When I see someone good who does a good deed towards others or to me, I can really appreciate the heart-felt gesture and want to return the favor 3x greater back to that individual. I think this is truly why I am so grateful for you, Holy Master Ziguang Shang Shi.


Thank you Holy Master,




Buddha’s Medicine


I am very pleased to report to Holy Master Ziguang Shang Shi that my chronic lower back pain has gone away completely. It took me about 7 weeks of practicing the form of meditation he instructed me.


When my back hurt I would use aspirins or beer to relieve the pain. Holy Master’s practice has eliminated the pain. I have not had any beer for 3 months (nor have any desire for it or any aspirin).


Most Americans I know do not believe this as it is not within the paradigm of their thought process. Some people I do know want to meet with Holy Master. My wife’s health has improved also especially her sleep and respiratory system.


What amazing benefit this Buddha’s medicine is!




I Needed to Make a Change


Dear Holy Master Ziguang Shang Shi,


 Thank you for the opportunity to learn the basics of Guang Huan mi Zong from you and allowing me to visit the beautifully peaceful shrine. I am extremely grateful for the experience and will always treasure it.


I came to you for the experience and teachings because I am interested in learning to help better myself and do good. I have been going through a difficult time the past several years and when Mimi Owyang introduced me to Betty and Miao Si in San Francisco I was able to learn from them and take that experience and energy to start changing things that needed to be changed in my life. I am continuing to make the necessary changes and am searching for the additional strength, focus, and validation to get me through it. I believe learning from you and receiving the light from you will help me get through it. I welcome any advice and feedback from you and would greatly appreciate it.


Thank you again for all that you do and for this wonderful experience. I look forward to learning further from you in the future.


